Nebraska Extension Weed Management Field Day
The Nebraska Extension Weed Management Field Day at SCAL includes on-site demonstrations of new technology and new herbicides. Tours focus on weed management in Nebraska crops. Field experiments provide information for herbicide-resistant weed control options with various herbicide programs. This field day is conducted in June.

SCAL Field Day
The University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s South Central Agricultural Laboratory field day is held in August. The field day focuses on improving crop production and profitability with research-based, practical information shared by University of Nebraska educators, specialists, staff and students. The event is designed so those attending can select the tours they are most interested in.

South Central Agricultural Laboratory Field Day
August 7, 2025
Time: 8:30 AM – 3:10 PM, tentatively - watch for updates
Location: South Central Agricultural Laboratory Research Farm
851 Highway 6
Harvard, NE 68944
Directions: 13 miles east of Hastings on Hwy 6, or 4.5 miles west of the intersection of Hwy 6 and Hwy 14 north of Clay Center, NE GPS Coordinates.
Contact Person: Joe Luck, (402-472-1488),